This is the blog of Elliott Stoddard. History is the record of lives and fortunes recklessly and needlessly destroyed by governments. I will not give it my consent to it.
Law Enforcement Officers in Kentucky deserve more training hours than cosmetologist and kindergartners. We ask them to do so much, and put so much power in their hands. That amount of power and responsibility demands a well educated officer. And the public deserves to interact with well trained law enforcement officers.
Ghost blog is a powerful blogging package that can be installed or hosted a variety of ways. Recently I set it up as part of a solution for a non-profit. The blog costs $0 to setup and run beyond my time setting it up and an $8/yr domain name. Here is how I did it.
One evening when I was new to the department we were called out to a brush fire at a saw mill. The owner had a brush pile he was trying to burn off. The wind picked up and spread the fire into the brush and woods nearby. This type of fire is quite normal here. In fact we had a similar call just yesterday.
I terribly miss traveling overseas, and especially miss Tallinn, Estonia, a city I love. The sad thing is that I may never go there again. With national governments and large corporations seeing huge potential for control and profits from a vaccine passport system, I may never be able to travel again.