Elliott Stoddard's Website


Thank you for visiting K7TRY.com. My amateur radio call sign, assigned by the US FCC is K7TRY, and that is why I decided to make this domain name my personal web space. Each call sign is unique to an individual radio operator. I was lucky enough to get a call sign that reflects my own personal motto: try, try, and try again. Keep trying until you get the results you want. You cannot fail until you quit.

What is this?

I wrote my first website in the summer of 1994. At this time most people had not even heard of the Internet or the World Wide Web. This site is just a continuation of that 30 year tradition.

This is more than a website. It is my attempt to replace the non-search services of Google in the cloud. I have been a GMail user for years, and I really like the service. But I want to move away from relying on Google. This domain is my replacement for GMail, Google Calendar, Google Reader, Google Login Services, Google Drive, Picasa, and Chrome Sync. It also replaces a Microsoft service, SkyDrive.

The domain is my learning laboratory that I use to test out the best in Open Source Software. I use the tools that clients ask about, and experiment in providing services that small businesses need. This domain is served from my own virtual server running Linux. This server has been running continuously for a long time.

What I do?

At work I write, edit, and test software in C#, T-SQL, HTML, JQuery, JavaScript, and many more languages and systems. Luckily I get to also experiment with Open Source systems.

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